Is Kevin Rudd sexist?

Julia Irwin, the federal Labor MP for the Sydney seat of Fowler, has apparently questioned Kevin Rudd as to whether the gender of “possibly soon to be already more disgraced than she already is” fellow MP Belinda Neal was a factor in his advice for Neal to seek professional counselling to deal with her displays of unacceptable behaviour.

I think the claims are lunacy. I’m sure that if Rudd were to catch wind of one of his male counterparts engaging in unacceptable behaviour, he would act in the same manner. It’s just that when you look at Neal’s rapsheet, climaxing with her alleged abuse at the Iguana Bar, it’s something that reads like a school bully’s record of behaviour leading to detentions. Besides, Julia Gillard wasn’t handing out compliments regarding the alleged behaviour a couple of days ago.

Most people on the street would probably agree that what Rudd’s done is pretty fair – advising one of his workers to seek help to make herself most effective as a representative of her constituents. Any good manager in my opinion would do the same, as opposed to throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Source: News Limited

Thongs – the new health threat

Research from the US suggests that the regular wearing of thongs/flip flops does more harm than good when it comes to posture and leg health. Justin Shroyer, the lead author of the study, suggests that they should not be a primary footwear choice for any person who wants to maintain a health gait and prevent pain in the legs and feet.

Makes sense – the typical Havaianas aren’t really that well sculpted to fit a particular foot, and even though they’re reasonably cushy, I would never wear them full time. Plus, if you inadvertently kick your toe on the pavement, it’ll just take the skin off your toe (and possibly a nail if you’re unlucky).

However I wonder what they’d have to say about Maseurs. Should Sven be worried?

Source: News Limited

What would you call the Iguana Bar scandal?

In the tradition of Watergate, I have heard and seen attempts to be clever and coin a distinct name for the saga involving John Della Bosca, Belinda Neal, et al. My previous entry called it Iguanagate, and Steve suggested that Della Bella Saga was far more apt (which I tend to agree with, since it incorporates both politicians in the name).

Over to you – if this were to be made into a movie, who would portray Morris Iemma what would your catchy title be?

eBay PayPal plan on hold?

Auction site eBay (which I am a member of and have regularly bought and sold items on) has recently come under fire for its proposal to force users into conducting money transactions via its PayPal site, a move which is scheduled to come into force on 17 June. Those who have objected (including myself, although I have never mentioned it in this blog) claim that eBay are double dipping in their application of fees for both auction listings and receipt of payments via PayPal.

After considering submissions from eBay users, it appears that the ACCC have asked eBay to hold off on this policy change until the results of their own review. It remains to be seen what happens, but I hope that eBay heed the request and not attract the ire of already disillusioned members by ignoring it.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

The Iguanagate plot thickens

Allegations of coercion and verbal threats by NSW Labor Party members towards the management of the Iguana Bar are being confirmed on 2GB right now as I type this. This whole issue is only going to get worse for John Della Bosca and his beleaguered Premier.

More info as it comes to hand.